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 Physics Formulae
  Work, Energy and Power



The capacity to do work is called energy. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It is converted from one form to another.

Energy = mc2


                         m = mass

                         c = speed of light 

Kinetic Energy: Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion. It is generally denoted by Ek. Its S.I. unit is J and its dimension is [ML2T-2].


Kinetic Energy


Potential Energy (P.E.): Potential energy is the energy possessed by a condition or virtue of its position or state or configuration. It is generally denoted by Ep. Its S.I. unit is J and its dimension is [ML2T-2]


Potential Energy



The time rate at which work is done is called power or work done per second is called power. It is generally denoted by P. Its S.I. unit is watt and its dimension is [ML2T-3].




Work is said to be done only when a force produces motion. Work done in moving a body is equal to the force exerted on the body and the distance moved by the body in the direction of force. It is generally denoted by w. Its S.I. unit is J and its dimension is.

Hence, W = Force  x Distance

              = F. x S.




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